Thursday, 29 May 2008

Knife Crime Campaign

So the Government has wasted another £3million pounds on a viral campaign to stop slap-happy puppies carrying blades. The idea: 'grisly' images of real-life wounds to shock youngsters. Imagine for a moment that you are one of these lads. You're chatting on Bebo with your pond-life mates, when one of your fish-brained friends comes across a picture of some guy with his intestines spilling out. Does he:

1. say "Yuk! that's gross!! gotta stop slicing up these muthas"; or
2. suggest you all go cut up some punk?

You can see I have no idea how these people talk. But my intuition tells me that the answer isn't number 1. You're showing "shocking" 2-D images to kids who've done the deed, sliced up some granny and filmed the whole show to prove how hard they really are.

On the other hand, you have Home Office minister Vernon Coaker saying:

"We know many young people carry a knife because they are fearful and these adverts tell powerful stories about the dangers of going down that path."

No they don't. If you're scared of getting your skin flayed by your classmates and you happen to feel safer with a butcher's cleaver up your sleave (it's a big sleave), my guess is that you're not going to see these pictures, come over all Christian and turn your other cheek for a matching gash.

Just a thought.
Lord Arthur Goring

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